This November 2020, a record 218 species in Kern County were accepted into eBird. The prior November record was 195 species during Kerncrest Audubon member Susan Steele’s record-setting, Kern 2011 Big Year. This November was the last month of the year to reach 200+ species eBirded in a single month in a single year.  How did this November reach the 200 club?

Noting the Kern County November 2020 eBird list was off to strong start, on November 12th Bob Barnes and Susan Steele invited birders via email to join in on the effort to reach 200 species eBirded by the end of the month.  The response was terrific; including birders from Kerncrest Audubon, Kern Audubon (Bakersfield), Tulare County Audubon, and elsewhere. 

Among Kerncrest Audubon Society member and friends who entered lists into eBird or provided information to bird locations were: Bob Barnes, Dan Burnett, Mickey Dyke, Bruce Garlinger, Denise LaBerteaux, Ara Marderosian,Jane McEwan-Hewer, Susan Moore, Nancy Robinson, Sean Rowe, John Schmitt, Joyce Seibold, Alison Sheehey, Bob Steele, Susan Steele, Lee Sutton, Lynn Barry Thompson, Rachel Woodard, and Peter Woodman. Thanks to all!

EBIRD ( is a free to review and contribute to database used by tens of thousands of birders and many researchers. Data for EVERY country in the world has been entered.  

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