The protection of critical habitat needed for the survival of native species of birds and other wildlife is a primary goal of Kerncrest Audubon. We are on distribution to review and comment upon projects proposed for development on local Public Lands. We carefully review these and offer comments regarding any mitigations and suggested amendments to the projects to minimize the impact upon habitat and local wildlife.
Kerncrest Audubon Society cooperates with California Audubon and other organizations to identify and obtain lands with critical habitat to be placed in trust for perpetual protection.
Kerncrest Audubon publishes a checklist of bird species seen in the Indian Wells Valley.
The chapter maintains a spring-fed wildlife waterer in Cow Heaven Canyon in the Scodie Mountains.
Chapter members perform bird counts in local riparian canyons to assist the BLM in monitoring the impact of various uses of these canyons. These activities have included monitoring of springs vital to the survival of an endangered subspecies of the California Towhee.
Kerncrest Audubon has assisted the BLM in establishing a wild life viewing area overlooking Little Lake north of Ridgecrest.
We provide some financial support to the Kern River Preserve and participate in the Kern River Preserve activities through out the year.
Our bi-monthly Public Programs often cover items of conservation interest.