We offer an evening program at the Maturango Museum on the 3rd Thursday of every other month starting in September. These programs are free and open to all who want to attend. The meetings start at 7 PM.
GENERAL MEETING Thursday, September 21st, 2023 at 7 PM
Sam Woodman
Pinnipeds and Seabirds at Cape Shirreff in Antarcti
Sam Woodman is a biologist and data manager for the Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division. After growing up in Ridgecrest and graduating from Burroughs in 2012, he became involved in NOAA Fisheries while earning a B.S. in Computational Biology from Harvey Mudd College in 2016. He has since been involved in a variety of efforts at NOAA, including fieldwork in the Antarctic and the California Current, and developing software tools for processing model predictions and shipboard or aerial survey data. His current interests include streamlining data collection systems in the field, as well as improving data access and usability.
The Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division is a branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries government agency. The AERD conducts studies focused on interactions between the environment, Antarctic krill and fish, predators that depend on krill and fish for food, and commercial fisheries. The division uses advanced technologies (e.g., autonomous gliders, unmanned aerial systems i.e. hexacopters, and animal-borne video cameras) to collect data, both in the Southern Ocean and at two seasonal field camps in the Antarctic.
Sam will be presenting on his work with the AERD, with a focus on life at the Cape Shirreff field camp studying pinnipeds and seabirds and trends and behaviors observed in these populations.
Join us for the first meeting of the season, at 7:00 PM at the Maturango Museum, 100 E Las Flores in Ridgecrest.
Our programs are announced in the Daily Independent and the weekly News Review, in addition to The Chat, our Chapter’s newsletter. All our programs are free and open to the public.
Our chapter Vice President is also our Program Coordinator. He/she is always interested in hearing of suggestions for programs or of topics of interest to you.