Membership in the Kerncrest Audubon Society is open to all. There are two levels of membership:
National Audubon Society level
Membership at this level includes
- membership in the Kerncrest Audubon Society
- a subscription to the National Audubon Society magazine, AUDUBON
- a subscription to the Kerncrest Audubon Society newsletter, The Chat
- the right to vote in any National Audubon Society or Kerncrest Audubon Society elections
Members at this level are included on the National Audubon Society mailing lists for informational materials and solicitations for contributions.
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Kerncrest Audubon Society is a Chapter of National Audubon Society, Inc.
Kerncrest Audubon Society only level
Membership at this level includes
- a subscription to The Chat, (but not to AUDUBON magazine)
- conveys the right to vote in any local society elections
Inclusion on national mailing lists is optional.
A stand alone subscription to The Chat without membership is also available but does not convey any right to vote in elections.
To join at this level, send an email to